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Tag: technical support management

Balancing Technology and Humanity: The Role of Empathy and Creativity in AI-Enhanced Technical Support

During my career in technical support, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of human creativity and empathy in solving complex problems. While artificial intelligence…

Incorporating Emotional Intelligence into Performance Management to Help Managers Empathise with Support Agents’ Challenges.

As a technical support manager or leader, you know how important it is to effectively manage your team’s performance. However, performance management is not just about numbers, metrics, and targets. It’s also about creating a culture of empathy and understanding towards your support agents’ challenges.

Anchoring Your Team: Providing Stability in Times of Change

As a senior technical support manager, it’s critical to understand the importance of providing stability to your team, especially during times of change. With many companies experiencing reductions in force, it’s more important than ever to ensure your team feels secure and confident in their roles.

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